Tuesday, 30 December 2008

The teachers and pupils at Paul Klee school wish all of you a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to working together with you in 2009!!!

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Children from Cronton singing in German

The video is dark as the children were singing by the lights on the Christmas Tree.

Greetings from Cronton CE Primary School

Christmas greetings to our new friends in Liverpool, Berlin and Seville, from staff at Cronton CE Primary School. Thank you for a wonderful few days in Berlin.
This is a direct link to the Comenius Page on our school website.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

St Anne's Visit To Berlin

The staff from St Anne's had a wonderful time in Berlin, here are some of our photographs. Thank you Paul Klee for being wonderful hosts!


Welcome to the official Trilateral Blog page where all of the schools involved can display their work or any photographs. Happy Blogging!